Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Maybe the tournament should tweak the registration application to ask what bracket you are entering the team under. The registration form only asks for graduation year and clearly states that scheduling requests will not be honored. The tournament directors place teams and schedule games. We are the third team so should have been placed in the C division

My kid plays on Icon so I didn't see the game that you are all talking about. We played Express and won by 2 (maybe that makes us a weak team since we didn't blow them out) the Goalie on Express played an amazing game (probably the best at this grade level I have ever seen) We won because we out shot them by a lot and there offense was all over the place. Since there isn't a C bracket not sure where you think these kids should be placed. If they don't have enough skill to be in the B bracket then they shouldn't be in tournaments. Maybe Express should have balanced out the talent across the million yeams they have better. The blowout isn't necessary and I hope our coaches would discourage it, but it is always going to happen. On to the next tournament. This one is done.

This is not a slight against the players. They are 11 year old kids. This is about the parents and coaches. Most, if not all, Mamas Boyz play on other travel clubs. Many are on Empire Green, some former Bandits, Warriors, etc... They all play on competitive A clubs; therefore have no business playing in a B division. The parents are obnoxious and if the coaches had a clue then they would be able to get that team, with those players, playing competitively in A divisions. These posts shouldn't even be an issue but the coaches are just about winning and making themselves feel better. Get a grip. It's a joke.