Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lacrosse needs some sort of sanction. No one knows who's really on the team, how old they are or what grade they are in. Until this sanction happens, cheating will continue.

I agree whole heartedly about sanctions centered around age and grade. I don't agree about the Who's on what team. I also disagree that US lacrosse only lets a player play for one group (had be brought up prior years). As you get older you will want to have the flexibility to play for multiple groups or have the option. That helps you son grow and gain different perspectives and training.

These tournaments are not a part of some sort of league where there needs to be consistency. One weekend to the next, you are feeding another programs tournament. If there were a series and league involvement then Id say a static rosters. if not they are truly all independent tournaments.

Each weekend is mutually exclusive to the last or future weekends games. Who cares who you played for.

a good coach wont limit you as well he will promote you playing across clubs. A real coach will support you playing outside your club (when it doesn't conflict with you club).