The hospital is across the street. How is this SB JS or team /AD fault that it took 1.5 hrs for an ambulance? Does Yale not have a coach or trainer ? Where is their responsibility in this? Put her in a car and go. Call an Uber. It’s all ridiculously spun out of control. What about the flagrant intentional malicious slander/libel/defamation against the defender by wealthy adults with social media power? The C-suite ladies with zero lacrosse knowledge calling for the lynching and assassinating the character of an essential child? Nobody knows that this was intentional or with malice. What is malicious and retaliatory are the actions of the parent slandering the defender. If you are concerned about safety, surely there are less bullying ways to get your concerns noted. These actions happen every single game and practice on every D1 field.

Devils advocate - what about all the dangerous shots and reckless behind the back goals and attempts that can concuss a girl or land straight in their chest causing cardiac arrest because the attacker is not looking? Why is that allowed/nobody decrying that? Maybe bubble suits are next.