Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Anyone who accepts a spot on the B or C team will be miserable. Hek, Blue even has a tough enough time being competitive. Nobody cares about the B or C teams. They will be sacrificed every time so A gets a cake schedule at the competitive tournaments. If you don't mind losing all your games just to wear a YJ tee shirt then go for it. If you're smart you'd get over to an organization that actually cares about your daughter.

Which travel club is it, that actually "cares" about your daughter"? Please do tell.

Clubs that give you way more for your money and don't have 3 teams in an age group or 30 kids on a team...those clubs.[/quote]

Yes, rosters should be capped at 22. When they go larger, several girls will barely play, especially on the top team. Organizations like TG and YJ only care about their top team. Furthermore, if you make a top team and are not a starter, they don't care too much about you either. Fact.