[quote=Anonymous]Although the above scenario does exist it doesn't effect nearly the amount of kids you imply. "prefirst" only exists in private schools, only about a 1/4 of the girls on MD rosters attent these schools and only about 1/4 of them attended "prefirst". Generally speaking most kids that do go the prefirst route have summer Jun-Aug birthdays and would have a difficult time passing the classes at these extremely strenuous private schools. Mathematically that would leave 1-2 girls that would fall into this "hold back" scenario per team.

MD school do have a Sep cut off while NY has a Dec one. This creates a scenario we're some of the MD girls could be at a maximum of 3 months older. All these girls could not possibly be born on Sep1. so on average your looking more like 1.5 months older then NYs oldest girl. Now again mathematically out of a 20 girl roster on average 1/4 of them would be born Sep-Dec, so say 5 girls per team are around 1.5 months older.

This shows that on average MD teams will have 1 girl that in 9 months older and 5 girls that are 1.5 older. I call that apples to apples but then again we got the W!

MD high school age club teams are also still better then the NY teams. Not sure where you see the evening out...

The drawing from a larger geographical area is probably a better scenario why the MD teams are better. Also could be that there better trained/coaches and are just genetically superior. We were/are better then you, our parents were/are better then your parents. Scientifically it would only make sense that our kids were better than your kids.

Look around next time you play M&D you'll notice than the Fathers are usually in better shape and our more athletic. Our Mothers are in better shape and not shaped like humpty-dumpty like yours. You'll also notice LI men in general are slightly hunched back, more hairy and reek of olive oil. Reminding me of an Italian orangutan.... This is also more of a reason "M&D da best".

And your girls are older. That's why Elite couldn't compete at the Nationals they had to leave their older girls home same thing would happen to M&d no older girls means a loss. See you in Delaware at the Nationals this year dopey