Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Original poster here about NGLL, as much as I enjoy the hypotheticals of who would beat who. What I want to know is are/will any of the LI clubs participate in this league. Then there would be no need for the hypothetical of who is better.

If the NGLL just dumped this notice without communicating with all the clubs first to not only gauge interest but create a buzz than they make a big mistake. Also, this was done without much notice for teams to pull together as club and skip PAL or middle school leagues already established and committed to by parents.

Yes, it seems like an incredibly poor business decision to try to expand to LI without first having some of the bigger clubs lined up and ready to go in order to build some momentum. And from talking to people we know with kids on various clubs, no one seems to have heard even a whisper about the possibility of their teams joining this league.