Originally Posted by Anonymous
At Patriot Games tournament in PA this weekend, Dukes HHH, BBL Black, Tri-State Black and STEPS in playoff. STEPS knocked off Leading Edge and lost to Dukes by 3. BBL and Dukes undefeated so far. STEPS 2-1, Tri-State 2-1. 4 other teams did not make playoffs including Leading Edge who beat True Blue and Terps + 6-7 Terps Black last week. In tri-state region, other than Turtles, a lot of parity. Dukes best team in 2017 age group in country in my opinion, and win at Crabfeast over Turtles and Crabs I think proves this point.

Look I don't even have a 2017 kid. But something smells fishy.... Prior to this summer Dukes were no match for turtles. Then all of a sudden, they're beating the turtles. They got that good in one season? I'm really tired of these out of state teams. Is this not the same Dukes team that going to the U15 championship? Come on, you know this team is loaded with kids that should be playing 2016. So they can't send the 2016 team cause they're too old. So they take any 2016 that may make cut off and drop them down into 2017 bracket to win a tourn. Bet they get hammered at u-15. Ya know, cause they'll be at a disadvantage playing kids there own age. Doesn't anyone see what's going on here?? I think LI teams should start pulling out of these tourns. Make these BS teams come here and run tourn with birth certificate proof. Then we'll see who wins. My bet, 3 of 4 finalists at u-15 all LI.