Originally Posted by Anonymous
the rankings break down is only a question of the top 3
1- Turtles - until beaten
True Blue - most overall physically gifted and deep- but not nearly disciplined to beat turtles
Terps Black - a little less athletic than TB- but skilled and smart enough to compete with them

the next 5 is anyone's guess
91/Glads prob a bit better than fl$/Outlaws

Seriously? Come on! I get you have a "thing" with 91 but, to say they are not as "physically gifted & deep" or "skilled & smart" as TB or Black is just silly. They lost a game to TB in March & shall never be heard of again? Because you write things does not make it the truth. Stop with the ridiculous comparisons & let them play wherever they are happy. There is some real talent @ the 2017 level & the boys all know each other & respect each other. The parents? That's a whole other story...