Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm ju[i][/i]st trying to figure out your thought process. You're saying that the whole selection process was biased and 24 mediocre players were selected soley based on their club affiliation or last name .. EXCEPT for your son who is so talented that the even the most corrupt evaluators had to pHS him on the team???

Your joking right? Please read what I wrote. The process is flawed. Didn't say anything you just posted. I didn't say these players were at all mediocre. It's one of the most talented groups of player long island has seen in a long time. Just a few selections that were made possibly due to pedigree, or team affiliation. No one is corrupt, you said that.

I'm assuming the last post was a bit sarcastic but, your simple question" was an accusation that some of these players (of course not your son) were not qualified, just had "lacrosse pedigree". Some people take offense to that. I did. My son works his a** off, as do the other boys on these teams. To hear parents saying otherwise is offensive.