Originally Posted by Anonymous
So is this what the 2017 group has to look forward to after each tournament this summer?

Yes, I am on the 'Terps and Terps Black should not share players' band wagon but I don’t think we should resurrect that topic every

Perhaps, then, the onus should be upon the organization committing the sleaziness? You seem to be like the abused wife, excusing the offender. Good lesson. Maybe the Express should be able to tie in the B divisions, using A and AA players, keeping those teams whom are working hard to improve from earning this accomplishment.

It seems that after each tournament the threads on this forum focus on the age of the out of state teams, how the brackets lined up, and how many Terps Black helmets were on the field. There was some very good lacrosse played last weekend in Farmingdale and all we seem to care about are the rosters.

Let's face the fact that teams and school districts outside of Long Island have different age cutoffs. We are going to see this all summer long. Also, unless an independent auditor performs the seeding, someone will always be upset with the brackets. And lastly the only thing Express is going to do about the Terps/Terps Black rosters is to continue to tick off all the other 2017 teams on LI.

We wait all season for the summer tournaments and this is what we want to talk about!?