Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
actually, I believe they played up last year when they won the U-13's in Florida the first time.

There is quite a bit of animosity on this board regarding a successful team. It reflects poorly on the sport in general and the meaning of sportsmanship.

Is this the manner in which you discuss other teams with your children?

Should you not lead by example and urge your children to improve and reach for higher goals personally, academically and athletically, than to bicker back and forth over who is better than who?

Its quite disturbing, really.

What animosity? I'm not sure where you are coming from with that. All that is being suggested is that the Turtles challenge themselves because they have nothing left to prove in 2017. What's so bad about that suggestion? Hardly antogonistic and certainly not a new concept or unheard of idea - every good team plays up. Relax and don't be so sensitive - nobody is criticizing - just making suggestions to see this team reach its full potential. Is this team immune to suggestion? That would be a problem.

Clearly, the animosity term was to be directed at the overall antagonistic positioning historically noted on these many threads regarding this team of young and talented players. They have been, from what I have observed, been tested in numerous instances of "playing up" and quite successfully as well. It is true that a team must continually challenge itself in order to hone it's skills and become further prepared for greater competitions in the future. That being said, it stands that previous threads do in fact regard that winning team with less than the respect it deserves. If this is the prevailing attitude towards one team that may be somewhat better than others, then again, it shows poorly on the overall concept of sportsmanship. Some teams will always be better than others at times. Some will not. Competition proves this out. Why be upset with the results, then?

I believe a coach will have his teams best interest in mind at whatever level he or she chooses to enter said team into competition. It is not for us to challenge that team's choices.

Relax and enjoy your child's experiences and support him or her when they win or lose; but do not begrudge other teams when they win.

It is less than sportsman like.

It is bereft of any sport at all in that case.