The most important thing to keep in mind, do whats best for your son and family. DO NOT DEPEND or ALLOW other parents to select, determine what is best for your child. When doing the travel lacrosse circuit, your son's lacrosse world will open up so to speak; allow him to make new friends, get him outside his comfort zone, do more listening than TALKING, you will find out which coach and where he's holding that small limited size clinic, there are many of them out there.
Another suggestion, grab 2-3 of your sons friends in the same boat to divide up the cost of a personal trainer, along with wall ball and practicing catching and throwing you will see a major difference in a short time. My point is, you lead your son! Don't allow anyone else (group of parents) who doesn't have your son's best interest FIRST dedicate your child's progress... [/quote]

Well said! Thank you. I think that's the plan we are going to take!!![