I understand the post about weekends and memorial day and what not. but happened to the days when if you had a game or practice that the family trip waited or you just went to the family function be it a communion or whatever, a little late? I too coach both sports and it bothers me to no end that u sign up and commit to a sport but you miss games and practice for family parties or planned trips. like I said go to the party late. or for God sakes can't people plan their trips around the season? growing up my parents planned their lives around our sports. and once we committed to it we never missed practice or games for anything. and my sons are being raised the same way. we go on plenty vacations but once the season starts all of that stops. it's not fair to other kids when u show up when you want. I actually had a kids mother last season tell me "sorry, so and so can't make the game Friday night. He's going to his friends sleep over party." this isn't a seven year old either. I'm talking about an 11 year old. like really he couldn't go to the sleep over after? and as for the multiple sports in one season.....that's just ridiculous.....commit to one sport.......how do you sign your kids up for two sports that share the same season? did you ever think that practice schedules or games schedules will conflict sometimes? and what do u do? u say to your kid.....hey listen u have a baseball game and a lax game Saturday night.....which one do u want to go to? which isn't fair to either coach who's trying to get ready for the game or put a line up together. times sure have changed.....sometimes I wonder who wears the pants in the house these days dad, mom, or the kids.