Attack is becoming a very valuable and used position in youth lacrosse. Give me a kid with IQ and stick skills and I will show you an attackman that is game changing. A good attackman makes every player on the offense side of the ball better. Hiding a kid on attack is a tactic used at the 5--7 yr old level, once they are 9 and up those coaches that can find a kid who understands the position, has the IQ and can move the ball the right way, you have a triple threat at a position that wins games. Go to any good Travel team 9 and up and you will see how they utilize good attackmen on every play call. The way middies are moved on and off the field consistently in todays game makes the attack spot that much more important. coaches that are not utilizing this are falling way behind and it shows up in their record at the end of the season. Having a kid with speed run up the field at middie and dodge through 4 kids is no longer a viable play as they reach that 9-10+ year old age and actually will start to hurt the team. Yes I am a youth coach and no this is not a position my son plays but he does play D and I am seeing how good teams are putting much more faith in the attack position and its working.