Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The "dark horse" at this age is the "A" team for Integrity.

Ranking according to a top D1 Assistant coach (not a full ranking but during recruiting said these were the top 3 teams they had seen at this age).

Mass Elite

I was surprised. My Daughter plays for a different Maryland team and I can understand M&D and Heros. Surprised by Mass Elite. We have never played them but what about YJ?

As a reminder, just when things start to get interesting in travel lacrosse and teams begin to gel and skills really peak... these tournaments turn into all showcase formats, you play 4 games and go home.. equal playing time ( as it should be in a showcase) wins don't matter, top teams in different brackets etc etc.. was a little frustrating because you think your kid is on a really good squad.. but those big time match-up showdowns never materialize..
it's all good in the end when the commitments start to pile up, and you see the kids from rival clubs are applying to the same schools as your daughter and they are more interested in hugs for their friends on the other team after the game then who won