Originally Posted by Anonymous
Finally spoke to a parent friend on NL26s. Thought I would share what I picked up. So, please feel free to add/subtract. It's not exactly linear....I'm just sending out what I heard.

Roughly 11 kids from NL26 were moved to a "practice squad" after DM's latest attempt to poach-to-win (and make money!!) after the ML kids decided to move over. Many of these 11 kids were original to NL and some had already paid. Needless to say, there are a lot of ticked off parents and my take was that they aren't going to let this go lightly. People on BOTC like to hammerhead on CM, and much of it is deserved, but this latest by DM & Co has really hit a nerve with people.

Several of the ML kids who are moving to NL attend St. Johns, and their parents were the ring leaders. Most schools of value in the DMV would frown upon using your position at the school to make money in your side hustle, but SJCH does not care from what I am told. If a club tried to pull this at Prep, Landon, Zaga there would be serious problems.

Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn't because both ML and NL 26 teams were weak to say the least, but I sure would like to see the tension on the sidelines this summer between the newbies and NL leftovers.

Thanks for sharing. Agree CM is a piece of work and has done the same thing the DM and Co. are doing as well. Agree, also the parents/players where ring leaders but they clearly where not happy with CM or the team. As for the school SJCH they will do anything to screw CM so no surprise there. Unfortunately, the bottom 11 kids from the NL 26 got screwed and that would lax me off as well. Based on what was posted on DCUM the following is where these players come from and it looks like it is all over the place. I would say they are mostly from Landon.

2 attack (Prep, SJC)
1 attack “Free Agent” (GZ)
4 middies (3 Landon, 1?)
1 lsm (SJC)
1 pole (Landon)

Maybe undecided

2 poles (Prep)

Those practice players should head for ML or make the Red team really good and compete in the same tournament Blue does this summer.

It all [Censored] to be clear.