Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The example of a 12 year old playing against a 14 year old was last summer when they were rising 8th graders. A small summer birthday on age kid vs a gigantic holdback. Yes, there are on age kids who are gigantic but that is much more rare than a gigantic holdback. My kid is an undersized on age attackman on a top 10 club team who regularly goes against holdbacks twice his size and beats them so no whining from me. He will grow soon and will just beat them more often when he does. But the point I made still remains. This is the only youth sport that pays no mind to age and that can be dangerous.

You need to go to an AAU basketball tournament for this age group.

Is body checking now allowed in basketball?

Time for Thad to go play golf. Soft parents equal soft kids.