I highly doubt the Towermen team was the same team that played at the WS. I’m sure this version included the assortment of holdbacks that played with them at the NAL.[/quote]

Towermen parent here to clear the air. The three players who were ineligible for the WS all have August birthdays and missed the age cutoff by 3 weeks or less. One missed by three days. No holdbacks. No 14 year olds. All going into 8th grade and are all 2026 grads.[/quote]

You can honestly spin this however you want but the bottom line is those kids do have physical advantages over kids that are 13 and born in '08. Those same kids that didn't qualify for the WS, could have started Kindergarten earlier but the parents held them back and chose to start school later. Additionally, your team initially failed to qualify for the WS and when playing LIE on age, were literally smothered. With that being said, this is all irrelevant now, since the "on age" tournament is over. But please, leave the self righteous nonsense at home that the older players didn't matter.[/quote]

You are still very confused. Nobody said that older players don’t matter. My only point is that we don’t use “holdbacks” - kids who are a year or grade older playing down or got reclassed and are playing in the same grade two years in a row. The three players who weren’t WS eligible ARE still 13 years old and they WERE born in 2008 just like the eligible players were. They just missed the Sept 1 cutoff by 3 weeks or less. These are basic facts. The irony is that those 3 players are actually smaller than most the kids on the team. I hope you aren’t an Express parent because they would be ashamed of you for making excuses for them. They win and lose with class.