Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Parents struggling to get their kids in to High Schools has their attention focused elsewhere. When there's not another string to pull or coach to hit your knee's for, reality sets in.

So True.
Reality sets in right about now. Those h/s coaches really aren't calling, and BK doesn't really know who your son is.
Just wait till the end of Jan when those rejection letters hit the mail. Better have a backup plan.

MIAA is not for everyone. Sorry Folks

I am consistently amazed at the entitlement / delusion factor of parents (mostly dads).

1) Oh I'm sure he's going to <<MIAA school>>, sure he has a 2.8 in public middle school but it's the school's fault
2) I'm sure he's going varsity in 9th grade
3) The coach says he "looks strong" so I'm sure he's in!
4) What tryouts? I'm sure he'll make the squad no matter what.
5) 9th grade team at a top MIAA school? That's for losers!
6) We're transferring to public where my son's elite talent will be appreciated!

It's predictable and the conversation goes just like that.

Only half of those kids get in (only Spalding and CHC have acceptance rates near/over 50%, everyone else is 25% or less), and approximately 0% of them make varsity in 9th grade, and in fact a bunch of them get salty about JV/9th grade rostering and quit the sport entirely (which is dense, your odds are good for continuing as long as you get into JV in 10th grade, you'll at least hit varsity for 12th grade, and thus may get an obscure D3 offer at the last minute, especially if your kid made good connections, events, and highlights through his club).

As for "my kid wants more PT!" I mean that's an important conversation. Part of that conversation has to be "how bad does your son really want it?" And "When's the last time your son has worked out by himself, in the rain?" (a really good data point I've found over the years). If you have an 8th grader who has to be reminded to work out, and he's not a freak of nature/talent, you might start rethinking that MIAA stuff.

From, a 2021/2024/2029 MIAA dad. 2021 is currently D2 player (not trying to oversell my expertise by saying he was a StaR rEcRuiT etc).

And most important reminder for those thinking of playing MIAA and beyond. Reclass Reclass Reclass unless born Sept-Dec. and even then I would reclass.

Note*** Reclass before 6th grade, you have a better shot than reclassing in 8th . And of course prefirst reclass is best ( most missed this except elementary MIAA school boys ) .