Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
News flash that the stud players are not practicing 3-4 times a week year round on skills and drills. Those players trying to become studs may be forced by their dads to do so, but will flame out and lose interest because you made the game not fun anymore. Let them be themselves and have fun.

What else are the voices in you head sayin?

Thank you for finally asking. Here are a couple of the more recent discussions I have had with myself.

We chase happiness but do not get it too often. Will we get it; if we stop chasing it?
Is it right to do nothing at times and just feel happy about it?
Cakes are important in birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, weddings, and what not; still it is not the main course menu, just a dessert palate. Wonder why?
What would happen; if the sun does not rise tomorrow and it’s all dark around; how will the world look like?
Which statement is correct? A bottle is half-filled or a bottle half empty.
What is more important for you? Chasing dreams or accomplishing goals.
Saying ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ too often is a sign of courtesy that everyone does and few only feel.
Why is Valentine’s Day celebrated with red roses, red dress, red cards, and red lipstick? Will it look odd, if any other color is used to celebrate the day? Will it be worth it?
The words wire and fire consist of three same letters and one, unlike letter? Think of a few more such words?
Celebrating birthdays is a reminder that we have one less year to live in this world.
The irony of life is, just as we celebrate our birthdays every year; we also pass our death date every year; it’s just we are not aware of it.
Our stomach churns and digests all food in the same way. Then, why do we eat food in categories of ‘starters’, ‘main course’, ‘condiments’, ‘desserts’? Why can’t everything be eaten together?
Have you ever tried sleeping with eyes wide open?
Can we have a new world only with short men and tall women?
Birthday wishes come with tons of love and best wishes. How to measure tons?
Snails play hide and seek with us. When touched, it gets into the shell and again makes a sneak peek out.
Human brains have a rewind and fast forward button, know why? Because we are equally competent to delve into our past and make unlimited plans for the future.
The letter ‘W’ is made of two ‘V’, but it is pronounced as double ‘U’; why so?
Incorrect is spelled incorrect in a dictionary.
Which one do you think is right? ‘Fire is on everything’ or ‘Everything on fire’
A parcel sent by a car is called a shipment, but a parcel sent by a ship is called Cargo. Why is it so?
Love completes your Life or Life Can complete your Love – which one do you believe and follow?
In an aircraft, which armrest is yours, if you sit in the middle?
How would your handwriting be, if you start writing with the less used hand?
What happens when a poison expires? Does it become more poisonous or no longer remains so?
Quicksand drowns you slowly. So it should be called slow sand. isn’t it?
Twins are like buy one, get one free. Isn’t it great?
A spoon made of gold can be called silverware? Right?
Pineapple has a weird name. It neither has a pine nor has an apple.
A pancake is not a cake.
Everyone remembers what you did in your childhood; except you. Were you drunk?
Do dentists go to other dentists, when they need a tooth extraction?
Clapping hands is all about hitting yourself when you like something.
Is it difficult to fool people on a fool’s day?
The letter ‘ee’ is silent in the word bee.
PASSWORD’ is to be kept a secret, but it means to be passed on to others.
A baby wakes up every now and then; still, we say “slept like a baby”.
Is there a single job that was not built around the idea of helping others?
The guy who invented ‘weekends’ was an absolute genius.
Don’t you think that your first birthday is actually your second one? The first one happened the day you were born.
Why are emoticons always yellow?
There should be a reality show where you need to find the edge of the world and say ‘bye’ ‘bye’ to your spouse.
“Go to bed”, you will feel good the next morning. It is the human version of “Put it off and put it back on again?”
Why do girls with straight hair curl it; and girls with curly hair straighten it? Amazing!
It’s not fair indeed – chocolates can stain your teeth brown but a chewing gum doesn’t stain them white.
We say noses run but they are fixed in one place. Is it even possible?
‘X’ and ‘Y’ are used more in algebra than in English
There are many places you have visited for the last time.
Photographs and images are either square or rectangular, but the camera lens is circular.
Eyelashes prevent things from entering our eyes but it’s the eyelashes that tickle eyes quite often. Weird.

That felt good. I am glad that some (besides the Oracle) finally used this forum for good instead of evil.

You need a hobby. No one is reading all of this.