Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So much for looneys. They have now lost to all of the other teams that were in the playoff for elite. Lots of grumbling from parents about who is staying past the spring.

They look much weaker than last year, while Top Caliber and Next Level look much better than last year.

What happened to this team? They went from winning the Fall League to falling apart a year later.

I would characterize this as a decline of the team's level of play based on player and coaching changes since that winning season.

In the Spring 2021 season, Looney's 2026 went from winning Fall HoCo 2026 Elite to having a losing season. Of note is the fact that most games were very close. Did Looney's get worse, or did the other teams get better? Perhaps it was a bit of both. Obviously, the other teams improved more than Looney's did.

Coincident with the start of this decline was a change in club leadership and the 2026 team's head coach.

At the end of last Spring's losing HoCo season, several skilled players left for other teams, one of which is now leading the Elite division.

Rosters change, coaches change. A few more games to play in HoCo and they will be off to high school and likely to other clubs, as it doesn't look like Looney's will be around much longer.