Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I held back my son. Best decision I ever made. Giving him that advantage has already paid off huge and I'm sure it will continue to do so. Just saying...
Congratulations to you. He’s getting made fun of by all of his peers behind his back because of your ego.

hey buddy...catch up. it was a joke to get shirtheads like you to show their true colors. you make fun of children. congrats. you are a great human being.

Instead of making fun on children that are held back and dominating your son, i'd recommend you have a serious conversation with your little snowflake about how life isn't fair all the time and he (and you) are gonna have to deal with it. Then, after you give him a nice hug, you should kick his butt out the door and have him go .....HIT THE WALL

Or take the easy way and hold him back.......