Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I agree some dad coaches are great coaches. A good dad coach does not favor their kids or assistants kids at detriment of developing team. A great coach looks beyond own biases and needs to not only trust his kid but recognize how the other team members can handle game time situations better. A great coach must think team first not coaches kids first. As a coach this is something I continually evaluate as I plan for each game and is a bias I improve upon each day.

Well said. 👍

Well said Mark, Coaches like you are what we need more of. Keep up the good work over there at Team 9one.

This is absolutely hilarious. MM is the most selfish Dad coach out there and will completely sacrifice the team and players to benefit his own sons play. All you have to do is listen how he speaks to the kids on the sidelines and after a game; it’s truly pathetic. I would say he’s caused more kids to quit the game them has actually developed outside of his 2. He is everything that’s wrong with youth lacrosse!!