Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Tough guy - new guy from California . New at 91 will be flying in this year then board locally next year. No affiliation with private schools just want my son to play for the club that has a strong track record of getting kids into top schools— high school and college. No one else compared to 91.

Flying in players is a BS move, kills team morale as well.

MM loves bringing in the TX kids too. But without practicing on the regular, team looks lost when they show up. Imagine being one of the kids who gets passed over for someone not really on the team. Hilarious stuff. Not a way to win or build comradery among the team.

Takes spots of hard working players already on the team. The 91 way.

But good luck bro.

“Not really on the team”
It sounds like his kid is “on the team” just like the other kids.
Your reply makes you sound like your kid’s spot might be threatened by an out of state player who doesn’t even have to be at practice to be able to take his place.
THAT’S hilarious stuff. And if the out of state kid helps the team win, it seems like that might help morale.