Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
1. Express.
2. Tigers
3. Blackops (beat hawks)
4. Sweetlax (stings but 0-6 vs Express)
5. Hawks (lost to VLC, Stealth, Tigers, Edge, LXC)
6. LXC
7. Towermen
8. Crabs
then bumkiss nada zero after

Sweetlax clearly second only to express at WSYL. That should have been the final two teams. After them it should be
Tigers, Black Ops, Towermen.

Towermen? Come on. What top team have they beaten?

Actually they had a 2 goal win over Sweetlax Upstate at NAL
OT loss to Hawks at NAL
OT loss to Tigers at World Series
One goal loss to Black Ops at qualifiers
Who do you put a over them that aren’t on the list above?

They did beat Sweetlax at NAL, but everyone knows that the Towermen had holdbacks playing with them. Either way, that will now be common since the WS is over. That’s the beauty of elite club lacrosse, more opportunities to get better and test yourself against the best teams. Who’s going to NLF?