Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
FCA will take down TC, then NL, to get the last spot

Looney’s - improved D, improved FO, improved Midfield and their 3rd best attackman is back from last year. They win this play in hands down.

This still cracks me up. Is this a troll or a delusional parent? You should win the play in, but please stop saying improved defense.

They lost to VLC last spring by one goal, and lost to them again last weekend by one goal. Where's the improvement again? Lolz......

I think you are confusing Looneys, who lost to VLC by 1 last spring, with FCA, who lost to VLC by 1 this past weekend. But you are right that there are a lot of close games and all the teams are improving. Of the eleven potential elite division teams, the middle 7 or 8 probably could beat each other on any given day.