Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any scores from the early games?

News flash. Half the teams won, half the teams lost. There’s a league website. Scores are added as games are played. I know its hard to just look them up there instead of coming on here and asking and waiting for an answer. You lose the drama that takes place, which is why you really want to know, otherwise you would have just gone here- https://www.ghclacrosse.com/page/show/7105132-boys-2026-divisions

Next step. Trash the teams who lost, tell everyone they don’t belong in elite, bash the dad you can’t stand, rip the coaching staff apart, complain about individual players, tell us how so and so should not be on the team because he drives, and make the last little jab about someone’s wife because their kid got more time than yours.

Then finish by saying “but no dog in the fight, just curious”. BOTC in a nutshell.

Obviously your son was on the losing end Saturday or a hawks Dad who wasn’t happy with another 1 goal win.