Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Baltimore county high schools offer an average of 24-30 AP classes in each school depending on interest level and are able to offer even more - just the fine arts alone there are close to 40 AP classes that any school can offer. . Howard County high schools offer 36.. BL currently offers 14 AP classes.

Please don't present actual data that contradicts the illusion of superiority that these people pay a lot of money for.

Public school education in this country is so awful, that we don't even rank within the top 20 countries in the world. The government is not capable of providing world class education. Congratulations if you take an AP course at a public school that is in a pool of schools that are not collectively good enough to be ranked in the top 20 in the world. If this was any other industry in the world, the leaders would be fired. Your public school is 3rd world compared to any local private school, and your kid being one of the smarter kids in it, doesn't make it any better. [/quote]

Per US News - Maryland has more nationally ranked public high schools than any other state. Did not find one Bawlmer school in comparable lists of best private schools...just sayin'[/quote]

You can also polish a turd and call it the number one turd. You are missing the point that we are talking about two completely different systems that are not comparable. Should not even be able to talk about the two on the same forum.