Originally Posted by Anonymous

Baltimore county high schools offer an average of 24-30 AP classes in each school depending on interest level and are able to offer even more - just the fine arts alone there are close to 40 AP classes that any school can offer. . Howard County high schools offer 36.. BL currently offers 14 AP classes.

Please don't present actual data that contradicts the illusion of superiority that these people pay a lot of money for.

First and foremost, the data presented about public schools is flawed. It is completely inaccurate and exaggerated. How do I know this? I am a HS principal in Baltimore County and while we do offer AP courses, it is no where in the numbers presented by this individual.
Proud of our school system but dislike someone presenting false information on a public or private forum.

A real high school principal would write "nowhere" instead of "no where"...nice try. The number presented here are published for all to see.