Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
"honey.. I'm really losing sleep lately over our decision to holdback Johnny. I'm really struggling with how he will handle himself 4 years from now at Notre Dame when his teamates and future Private equity employer find out he has has a summer birthday" Said no one EVER!!

"But dear, what kind of example are we teaching by showing him that it's ok to game the system to get what you want, regardless of how it impacts others?" Said lots of parents, many times, hopefully.

The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching. - John Wooden
Unfortunately everyone is watching now.

As a parent of a son with a late summer birthday who has committed, I am thankful that we waited to have my son start kindergarten years ago. This was well before he started playing sports. At the time, he was not ready for the structure of school.

Today, my son is a dedicated student athlete, who is focused on getting better everyday. Much of what he does is when no one is watching. I can say the same for others who have committed.

I cannot control what others think about my son. My focus is making sure that he stays humble and continues to have true character.

Well I am sure he is confident he has been a year older then everyone in everything he has ever done. I hope you can sleep when you think about all the kids your older son pushed to the end of the bench over the last 15 years. Because you clearly stated that this has given him a advantage over the boys who where not held back. Sleep well sir sleep well.

Has lacrosse always been grade based? No. Up until recently, my son was one of the youngest, if not the youngest, on his team and was able to compete.

However, there are some obvious holdbacks that seem to have been held back to get an athletic advantage in 6th, 7th or 8th grade. I would think that many who have done this will struggle now that they are in high school.

I am glad that my kid has experienced being the youngest and having to compete for playing time since all 2020's are now the youngest trying to compete as freshman.

He had to been on a grade based team in at least 7th grade and most likely 6th grade. So he has been getting a advantage for at least 4 years. And if this advantage your son got because of his birthday how can you call out the parents who did it later in life for sports. Same results sorry.