Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
For those of you who continuously complain about holdbacks in lacrosse, your kids will likely never be as successful as they'd like to be. And that's not because some other kid is 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months older than him. It's because he, like you, blames external factors for his own shortcomings. The right combination of confidence and humility is needed to achieve greatness and success in any endeavor in life….humility being one of the biggest keys. The kids who succeed are the ones who believe that they can be better tomorrow than they were today and they don't believe that anyones else owes them anything.

You, sir, should run for President.
Here we go again ...

You know the kid that is going to be successful? The one that challenges themselves. The ones with character. Integrity. Grit.

So in one corner you've got a holdback kid who plays down to dominate.

In the other corner you've got an on age kid who plays up or holds his own with his peers.

Tell me wise one, which kid embodies all the values you espouse? Which kid would you rather be in the trenches with? Work with? Which kid do you think is working harder and being challenged more? Which one builds more confidence?

You know the answer. You just don't want to admit it.


3 days or 3 weeks do not make a difference in a kid's ability to "dominate".
Just stop whining!

No it doesn't but there is a commonly accepted date - 9/1 in MD - and they are on the wrong side of it. They should have started school on schedule and worked harder...like you keep telling everyone else to do.

aren't these kids in high school now? and will be playing against kids 3 and 4 years older. lets see how it all shakes out. we will see how these early commits do. my guess is that they will be just fine.

That is another common holdback counterargument. In reality *most* freshmen will be playing jv, limiting the age gap to 1-2 years. Gap gets a little bigger once they are sophomores if they go varsity but at that point they are mostly all through puberty and the physical difference are much smaller.

What else do you have?
