Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There must be Edge parents visiting this board because otherwise I don't think anyone would mention them among the top 2019 teams because they ARE NOT a 2019 team.

I agree with many of the previous posts that most all of the top 10 teams people have listed are all within a goal or two of each other on any given day.

I wonder how the Edge "2019" team would fair against 91 or Express 2018s?

That would be a more direct comparison. Edge Lacrosse registers their teams down an age group at each tournament. The tournament directors should not permit this practice. Plain and simple. Your team is comprised of rising 9th graders? then they play in the 2019 bracket...roster comprised of rising 10th graders (as Edge 2019 is currently comprised) you play in the 2018 division. Fair play.

Perhaps you should urge your director to grow a pair and refuse to play such teams. No game, no issue. Don't understand why more coaches and directors don't have the guts to just refuse the game. When you know the team is playing down, just don't play. If more and more teams did this, there would be no incentive to play down. It would make such a powerful statement. Teams like Edge, Crabs, Laxachuesstts and Dukes would have no one to play... If the big clubs started to stand up for their players safety the tournament organizers would have to take notice.

Are any programs other than Edge Lax registering teams down? Or are the programs you listed littered with holdbacks?