Originally Posted by America's Game
Originally Posted by America's Game
This type of stuff has been going on for a loooong time. Last year at the 2018 Pride of Long Island there were 77 kids and 3 teams at the tryout. These were the players that were selected from the 150 or more that tried out at the first Brine tryout. At the Pride of Long Island after an hour or so the players broken down to the final two teams. This was approximately 50 players. Which meant that about 27 kids were sent home before the final selections were made. It was determined that there was so much talent on those two final teams that Long Island would have 2 teams. (Team Long Island and Team New [lacrosse]). You would think that players who were on the final two teams would have been the obvious choice to make up the Team New [lacrosse]. Not the case. Players who were sent home before the final two teams miraculously made Team New [lacrosse]. Many people were left scratching their heads. Go figure that one out.

I have said it before and will say it again. This stuff will never be fair as long as evaluators who are affiliated with clubs who profit from advertising how many of their players make it to these so called elite events. Yes its a shame that players who actually showed up to the events and laid it all out on the line on the days they were supposed to got cheated. Its a shame Brine knowingly allows for this type of BS. The worst part is the kids who were cheated. Yes they were cheated. If you don't go to a tryout out you don't make a team. To get a free pass. It shouldn't matter if you were on vacation or sick or hurt that's life and something parents need to understand. Yes a kid is one of the best players in the age group at least show up.

It also happened in 2018. So this is not an anomaly. The other thing is to my knowledge they have yet to even post the players for 2018 because of politics and players who knew they were going to one of the other events still tried out and took up slots. So let the powers that be at Brine know how you feel is all I can say.

Well said!, and I already sent an email asking for an explanation. Hope others will do the same!

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