Originally Posted by Anonymous
The 91 2024 coach is excellent and so are the girls. However, you are still dealing with 91. As an organization, unless you have a director/owner as your coach, you're just a cash cow to be milked for all you're worth. The girl's side is the epitome of this. They do not go to any of the better tournaments and are stuck going to 91/MyLacrosseTournaments which no other top tier organization goes to.

The other fact which many do not know is the way the top tier girls tournaments operate - you can't just enter a team in them. You have to have attended the year prior. If your team didn't, you're put on the standby list until a spot opens. If a spot doesn't open, you can't enter. The setup favors established organizations. In the event that 91 builds an excellent team on a certain grad year, they still won't be able to get into the top tier tournaments. I know this because my daughter does *not* play for YJ and I've been told about the struggle our program went through to be able to participate - it took years.

Coaches attend various tournaments. All of these teams other than yellow jackets who aren’t in those tournaments or just got in have done just fine with recruiting without them. I think that the Long Island lacrosse world has been brainwashed into thinking that smaller clubs won’t do anything for your kid. The truth of the matter is it has nothing to do with what jersey you’re wearing but rather how skilled you as an individual are as well as how hard your coach will work and support you.

My kid doesn’t play for 91, but we get nickle and dimed for every tournament and expense. At least they’re expensive but all inclusive. You know what you’re paying for the whole year, just like flg. Yellow jackets screws you by asking for money for every little thing and you end up paying just as much if not more.

The whole you need to be YJ to be recruited charade needs to stop eventually. Maybe we can be the first group of parents to stop marketing it that way.