Originally Posted by Anonymous
the "facts" came directly loyal jester parents. Dont get me wrong it certainly could have been because those parents were upset this his/her daughters didnt get an invite to play? you know how that goes, but they are 100% sure that there was no try out for anyone. that includes those jesters that were deemed not ready to play at a high level. that includes the girls from other clubs that went to the team.

I don’t know who was not “deemed good enough to play” but we played them in the fall and they were very good. Some girls were actually exceptionally good. I think some of them might have been from other clubs, YJ and TG. People who either talk to other parents about the abilities of a few girls, or takes the time to tear down other kids in their own club have more insecurities than this page can handle. I hope we get the chance to play them again to see how our team has improved.
Someone on this page is very afraid of this team and club director, it’s very obvious. I think there should be more of these pick up teams. More fun for the kids. Meeting new kids and having more experiences.