Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Serious question- Why would a kid want to play for a club that is "connected" to a HS?

ie: both FCA and at CH.

Maybe play for FCA in Middle school if you want to get in to CH and have a chance at standing out among so many incoming freshmen.

But if CH=FCA, wouldn't it be good to diversify for recruiting purposes?

Get 2x as many people working for your recruitment instead of the same 2 people.


My son is at one of those teams/schools. He’s been at other teams but when you find the right coach and the school happens to be a great fit why leave. If my son plays well there are plenty of opportunities through the coach and school.

True. And if the HS and Club coach's son plays your position, or you find yourself on the wrong line, good luck.

Thts true anywhere dads coach, yes.

Doubled trouble if you play for CH and FCA.