Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Which Roughrider 2022s who made it did not deserve it? The defender? The goalie? The face-off player, or the MIddie? All outstanding players who had great tryouts. Is it the public school part that makes it hard to believe? All of them were recruited to private schools, but turned them down so they could play at the public school they aspired to attend and play for growing up. Guess that is a No No these days in some circles.

Stop talking

Is it okay if we type?.... That private school/club coach who got your ear in 7th and 8th grade really convinced you into believing that for $25k per year at a High School, little Johnny was guarantied to play a ton and get a full ride to Syracuse didnt he? Or, is your little laxer man just a young, almost studly "Brunswick Shackleford III type", "destined" to follow in his father's footsteps as a member of the Skull and Bones lax squad? Based on your biggest concerns, it sounds like you need to worry more about the poolboy than All-Star teams. That guy is probably getting a HUGE tip during the day, while you are in a boardroom holding meetings about meetings to pay for that top tier education and then spending your evenings complaining about conspiracies. I know, I know, it all feels really, really unfair for the amount of time and money you have invested, but at the end of the day, if you just pretend like nothing happened, keep making the Range Rover and Spa payments, everyone else in your life is going to be happy and VERY satisfied. Most importantly, that strategy keeps the whole "elite" persona intact. The only person who knows is the poolboy and he doesnt even speak English!