Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why are people so obsessed with CH’s sorter size lol

Only two types of dads are interested in this number:

1. The insecure Dad who can't stand to face the other dads at the charity golf event and tell them his kid is on an MIAA team that didn't cut "50%" or whatever the magic elite-sounding number is, in his head. How can it be elite if 140 kids tried out and 125 made a team? Nooooooooooo!

2. The success-by-association Dad who is hoping everybody makes a team, and will tell the other dads "I can't remember which team they have my son on this year......there's so many teams nyuk nyuk" meanwhile knowing, an aching pit in his heart, that his 10th grader didn't make JV again this year, most likely won't make varsity in 11th, and most likely quits before 12th grade tryouts. And what will this dad tell the other dads THEN? Nooooooo!