Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lets hope this fall teams can stay healthy through to spring. So many injuries has kept good players on the sideline.Fall ball is good time to start evaluating players on your team that are moving up to Varsity. Many lax players will miss Fall Ball due to Football Playoffs and then Basketball/wrestling.

All teams need to be healthy to compete week in and week out. How to teams are coached will be another major factor week in and week out. In the MIAA league coaching matters and its the direct cause of loses or wins week in and week out.

Who has the best coaches ?

Most are average High School coaches. If they were great MIAA coaches they would be long gone to college ranks.

But the big question is who are best at getting talent as talent needs to be imported to supplement existing players. With the changing landscape, CH has been best along with McD, BL and one/two class wonder ( it seems) Spalding. McD and BL have really stepped up recruitment of out of state players to compete with CH . This and next year will be interesting

Agreed, but coaching talented players and knowing your players strengths is key to success.Some coaches have no clue how to be an in game coach.They use a philosophy to coach no matter what talent they have.