Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Loyola is starting to pick up steam. IMO best D in league. AL dominated the BL attackman DP in a big way

Larkin did dominate Petro and they beat an average BL team Loyola Then got outscored by a ton yesterday. Inconsistent

Its all about the match ups. If you're facing a team with only 3 or 4 top caliber offensive threats then 2 top flight poles and a great shorty can stymie them. However when you face more than four offensive threats (see CHC) then team D and defensive depth becomes a much more important part of the equation. If I was BL's OC and planning for LB, I would be running multiple two man games and looking to get my top players isolated on weaker defenders preferably a shorty. I may even entertain running some of my best offensive threats through the box as well. Its about the right game plan, execution, energy and sharing the rock at this point in the season.