Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Dont really care about your opinion of Baltimore lacrosse culture. Its part of the traditions TODAY that we share with our families. Our HS communities are multi-generational and form the life long friendships we have. St Marys gets this and shares it with Baltimore- the traditions. Its why schools like Loyola, Calvert Hall, St. Pauls, BL, McDonogh, Gilman, and St. Marys are the only ones that win and will ever win. It has meaning to them.
First, as long as schools like BL, McD, CH make it an arms race and bring in kids, house kids, etc, there is nothing special about the formula. Anyone that wants to stretch the rules or throw money at it can win in the league. Nostalgia has no value.
Second, bad mouthing kids anonymously on the internet is classless garbage, that is an objective fact. Coaches or dads, Ok, it’s the Internet. Going after kids should be beneath anyone that pretends to represent the secret society of rich catholic schools or whatever pretentious babble you are throwing out.

These kids are 17, 18, and 19 years old...

And the Baltimore schools are doing what they have to in order to stay competitive with IMG, Culver, Deerfeild, Hill, etc. who import the best in the country and house them.