Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Things become a stereotype for a reason. Look at all the nerds at Duke cheering for the basketball players on the court or on the fields. Go to Johns Hopkins and let me know the demographic of the sports teams vs the school population. You can now go to almost any private high school and look at what's going on with the teams there. The DEI ratios are really just a means to recruit athletes. It's not racism to point out the obvious.

No, referring to the "great replacement" is about as racist as it gets. This is back of the cage, not stormfront.

Great Replacement is an overblown woker response to changing the conversation about the flood of illegals coming into Europe and this country.
People have concerns about the massive amount of illegals coming into a country without permission. Wokers want this catch phase to say anyone that disagrees with them must be a great replacement racist. Hardly, there are as many conspiracy people who believe that as there is triple k members, Hardly any except in the minds of the wokers

with is a “woker”? People that spout off about “the great replacement” are typically white nationalists and quarter zip wearing dads that donk off to Tucker Carlson as he tells them what to think next.

Sounds like a coping dad talking [Censored] about Hopkins because they weren’t interested. Your son isn’t D1 material. Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with the [Censored] d2 school he’ll attend.

You fit the description perfectly as stated Mr Woker, You really need a new boogeyman , WN everywhere is getting old, Especially when they are less than 1% of 1% of 1% of population, all with Zero power or following. Dunning Kruger comes to mind with you. Keep it real !

How many times do you nut to proud boys and Tucker per day?

Your translation from woke talk to English didnt go well big girl. Put in your own native language for us to understand. All of us will use Chatgpt to translate and understand. Keep it Real !