Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
A few thoughts about Nike National (based on recent tryout experience).

- Registration fee is $250 with additional $370 if you make team.
- Is your son an existing Crab? If not, stop.
- Is your son physicaly bigger and taller than the majority of his graduation year peers? If not, stop.

The tournament is managed/owned by King Crab. The majority of the evaluators are affilated with Crabs. At the recent tryout the majority of the kids who were there were Crabs with a few random ones who heard about it through classmates or online advertisement. The possibility exists some may have been told by coaches to come out but I don't know of that for sure.

At the tryout they were told directly that the evaluators were looking at "biggest, strongest first". Do with that information as you choose but I would suggest saving money and use towards a college prospect camp.

Typical lacrosse experience. Here’s mine. My kid did the UA couple years ago. The HC and AC for his team/region were co-owners of a club organization at the grade level. No other coaches on the staff. A conflict of interests possibly? Is there a financial incentive for these co-club owners to play kids from his club over any other kids? Obviously! As you can guess, only kids from their club team started every game and got by far the majority of the playing time. And if it was close, and college coaches were watching, he’d make sure only his club kids were playing. And they had kids on the team that weren’t from their geographic area, strictly forbidden, according to the rules in the website. This is lacrosse. You can’t make this stuff up.

You would think that UA would have rules against having coaches all from same club organization (who in this case owned the club).

I don’t know if they do, but I emailed the owner of UA and told him all about this. Any guesses on what his response was? Correct. There was no response. Lacrosse. As corrupt as it gets. From the inside, out.

What made you think emailing the owner of UA was the proper measure lol