School hired a crisis management firm. Probably would have been easier and a lot cheaper to just support program and give at least a couple half pays to compete.

GW will have to bring in some top experienced assistants. Guys that can develop and coach. Recruiting the county will be tough with old Jc assistants now at Fallston having success building relationships at youth level. President pissed off north harford area pretty good with how he had treated families up there. Kids from that area already leaving or no longer coming. Not GW fault but a tough reality. With not having middle school, a lot of kids are already in baltimore county privates and Are not not available. Roster will need an overhaul after years of giving out embarrassing financial offers.

GW has some lacrosse experience but most of his lacrosse coaching is only for a year or two before he bails for something else. Not much of a track record for sticking it out and growing a program. A lot of turnover at jc last couple years with teachers and coaching. Will he stay?

A lot of the talented returners and recruits were able to get out but because of the schools timing right after tuition was due and late in summer a ton of kids couldn’t. Area schools are full and with league rules kids would be punished for adult decisions if transferred . Will younger families opt to only play jv to preserve options not knowing what AD will do next. Burn me once not again reasoning.

Then you have the whole church investigation with the known cover up of the strength coaches doings. I’m sure old staff will be involved in that process as well.

Hopefully he announces a great staff on Monday and has already hit the ground running on the 28’s.