Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I agree that every team in the conference was upset when Loyola got rid of the old coach. He is a talented coach, but was constantly having to deal with parental BS. I think Loyola needed a breath of fresh air in the building to clear some of that out. Hearing the AD was made aware of that situation immediately upon being hired and it was a priority to correct. I think he got it right with Haus. Give him time to cook. His network of connections between him and his family are great, and he's used to navigating a politics-heavy team. I could see them returning to the final 4 this year and pushing to win it all. Overlook them at your own peril.

I think people may be on to something with JC too. They have only had a handful of good wins in conference. How they beat CH, I don't know. But they definitely effected other teams recruiting strategy in the conference. Less kids are leaving Harford County. I could see a spike in interest with Gunnar taking over. He's a young, positive guy. And the opportunities to play there are pretty good. A friend said the President wants to make JC a "premier lacrosse destination" in conference. That might be talk. But he did it with basketball, baseball and soccer, so you never know. Another team to watch this year.

Every parent so far is happy and excited for what Gunnar is going to bring to the team. That said, the JC president is a dipsh t.

Phones are ringing off the hill today for JC rising Juniors!! LFG!!
Because I am sure they are all talking about it with you for you to know that🙄

Phone blowing up all day with excited parents.