Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You can certainly raise a kid well that goes to PS. But why expose them to all that uncivilized nonsense and rabble if you don't have to?

Boy, I hope that I don’t see your mom brag about you getting places I’ve seen other private schools moms around Baltimore brag about after sending you to 12 years at $25k and up- Susquehanna U (I mean no detest but really?), Salisbury, MaryWashington, Carolina, Elizabethtown et al. UMCP are very hard to get into for a white guy and they have excellent programs that put other schools to shame. Especially after seeing what science labs that prospective SLACs try to sell you in their spammy junk mails. My neighbor went on a college tour his mom put all over FB to privates/public’s and he only got into UMCP

sending your child to private school is definitely providing a sheltered environment. private school doesn't guarantee a thing, my sons lax coach is a McDonough grad and he very much works a blue collar job