Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
We aren’t pretenders. St Paul’s Was Down one of its best Players today. We will be fine. This team is for real.

SP about to go 0-4 in the Conference. Up by four goal margins multiple times vs very good middle of the pack opponents but fail to close the deal and get dominated in the latter stages. Can someone explain this to me?

Possession matters and in all 3 games and we struggled to gain possession when it mattered. Offense is running through one players and that needs to change. Defense is strong but not deep and wears down in the 2nd half.

Playing fast tempo has been an Achilles heel for this team especially once they've established a big lead. Their best players are forcing plays on both sides of the field. Their best poles leave the defensive hole early and are more focused on creating transition offense than protecting the goal. Their clearing is sloppy: be patient and make the high percentage pass. Their best offensive players are having great years statistically but need to be more deliberate (take less risk) when they have a big lead. Reality check: Not all of their offensive teammates have A Conference caliber stickwork. Sometimes less is more. Coaches need to hide weaker offensive players on the crease and get the stickhandlers and shooters on the perimeter. Too many unforced and unnecessary TOs in settled O. I'm surprised that some of these coaching adjustments weren't made after some of the early losses. Doing the same thing again and again poorly and expecting improvement is the definition of insanity.