Originally Posted by Anonymous
What makes Spalding the favorite? Seriously

Let's break this down once again because clearly some people have not been paying attention.

1. Coach is a MLL player.

2. League's most elite dads.

3. Almost beat Broadneck in 2019

4. Rigorous off season training program.

5. So many scrimmages so far this year.

6. Elite staff of visiting coaches, consultants, tweeters, hashtag developers, dad photographers

7. Almost beat McDonogh in 2019.

8. Boys have been working hard.

9. Many posters on here have sons who were not asked to be part of the program or could not make the team

I could go on...

Let me continue, Elite attack unit finally coming into their own, team Chemistry that is off the charts, Defense that will be in top 3 , Depth at all positions, Coaching staff second to none, and of course the best for last, got rid of lack of talent players except to their dads posting here and many of those same untalented players were bad for team chemistry. Poor Dads still think their sons were shafted and are envious of Spaldings success and future success.

“Envious of Spaldings success and future success”

When has spalding ever had success? Remind us all of their last playoff berth or championship please. Future success? Spalding put all of its eggs in one basket (22 class) and let’s see where that’s gotten them. Nowhere. Spalding has no future. Their coach isn’t good and has proven that repeatedly and they aren’t bringing in any good players. Spalding dads are so delusional it’s gonna be hilarious when they Laxx the bed this season. After reading these clowns posts you’d think Spalding is aiming for a three peat.

Like clockwork the jealous come out to play. Still cant get over your son and his lack of ability. Blame you two, not Spalding