Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Everyone gets accepted to CH; try to find a family that applied and did not get in? Championship Jackets are a plenty simply based on 300+ kids coming to a private school from all over the country every year. How many kids attend CH where their dreams of playing HS Anything athletically dies? More than 50% for sure.

Good enough question for me to look up: here you go. Have to admit, Im impressed. 40 teams in 17 sports is a lot. While on their site I saw that their band and robotics club are national champs. and that they were the number 1 academic school in Baltimore with the most AP classes... who knew...

Calvert Hall College High School Athletics: Continuing a History of Excellence
Competing in the Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) in 17 sports with 40 different teams, our Cardinals have won over 150 boy’s high school athletics championships while garnering both regional and national recognition.

And still can’t get their athletes to pass the SATs!