Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
big difference between elite teams and historically elite programs - right now there are 3 elite teams on LI (Mass - Lynbrook and Babylon) - WM and WI are elite programs but were not elite teams this year

You make a very good point by distinguishing Programs from a team each year.

Well done.... but 1 year does not make a team elite.
There needs to be some consistency, don't you think?

For example, the Lynbrook team had a fantastic year. they have some very good players too. But wouldn't you agree that some of their success this year came (in part) because GC and Manhassett had less than expected years?

Since when does Elite mean Dynasty?

Elite means... the Best of the Best. Dynasty means the best of the best throughout the years!!!

What am I missing. If my son and his friends are the best at their grade for the years growing up - who cares what the boys 2 or 3+ years ahead of them did or didn't do.